About us
Curious School of Puppetry’s mission is to be a centre for puppetry arts, nurturing an inclusive sector and developing the art form through training, convening and advocacy.
Our vision is for a nationally celebrated and thriving puppetry sector that is collaborative, open and inclusive, recognised internationally for its rigour and innovation. We believe puppetry connects people across cultures and communities, and empowers everyone to use their imagination with confidence.
As an artist-led organisation, Curious delivers its work with integrity, dynamism and transparency. We value experimentation, rigour, care and proactive inclusivity.
Welcome to Curious School of Puppetry, a training programme for adults who are seeking to expand their professional work and creative practice with the art of puppetry. Founded in 2015 by Sarah Wright, our national touring school is artist-led and focuses on puppetry performance, theatre making, and collaboration. Curious has reached various locations across the UK; the school has been run in London, Edinburgh and Falmouth, and we have facilitated workshops in Liverpool, Newcastle, Manchester, Bradford, Truro, Chichester, Leeds, Leicester, Glasgow, Dublin and Galway. Our course is taught by professional puppeteers, directors and artists who bring a variety of approaches and practices into the studio.
We believe in diversifying and enriching the puppetry sector and have developed three community strands to support this vision: Get Curious, Curious Professional and Still Curious. Our Get Curious strand is tailored for artists new to puppetry, with a specific focus on diversity and inclusion. Curious Professional is an eight-week intensive professional training course, and our Still Curious strand is a supportive alumni network of peer-to-peer knowledge sharing.
At the Curious School of Puppetry, we believe that puppetry is a medium through which we can explore new ways of creating, communicating and understanding the world around us. Join us and become part of a community of curious and creative individuals who are passionate about puppetry and its possibilities.
Film by Brett Harvey with music by Tim Dalling

The Team
Sarah Wright – Artistic Director
Jemima Yong - Producer
Joy Haynes – Producer
Teo Greenstreet – Organisational Development Director
Tim Sykes – Production
Daisy Beattie - SOUP Night lead
with support from the freelance Still Curious team: Jummy Faruq, Caroline Ada, Freddie Crossley, Edie Edmundson, Nix Wood, Louise Mellor, Pippa Church and Emma King
Lyndie Wright MBE - Founder of Little Angel Theatre
Sean Keohane
Charity Trustees
Chair: Mervyn Millar – Puppeteer, Writer, Director of Significant Object
Charlotte Crow – Operations Supervisor and Product Development at Martin Randall Travel
Sam Morley – Director of Development at Old Vic Theatre
Sarah Wright – Puppeteer and Puppet Director
Jemima Yong – Performance maker and Photographer
Founded in 2015 by Wingwomen Ltd:
Sarah Wright, Charlotte Crow, Lou Bashall
In memory of
Christopher Leith – Director, Master Puppeteer and Mentor
Penny Francis MBE – Founder of the Puppet Centre Trust
EU Contemporary Puppetry Critical Platform: The Curious School of Puppetry
The Stage: Unstrung heroes: how puppetry is having its break-out moment by Tom Wicker
The Spectator: ‘The puppetry renaissance’ by Ysenda Maxtone Graham
Cornwall Live: ‘Festival of Curious Puppetry comes to Cornwall for three months’ by Lee Trewhela
A Puppeteers Journey: Curious School of Puppetry by Jennie Rawling
Nod at the Fox: Curious School of Puppetry by Eden Harbud
Cornwall 365: The Festival of Curious Puppetry